How to Survive Year 9

Introduction to Hillcrest High School

High School can be really adventurous and exciting. Hillcrest High School is a school where each and every child gets to participate and involve in all types of activities from academics to sport. This website is completely designed for all the Year 9 students who are nervous and want a survival guide to their new school. So let's begin.


English is where you learn all your grammar which includes your language techniques, sometimes your film techniques, creative writing and all the other basic grammar education. You also learn literature which includes projects on novels including fiction and non-fiction, learning about famous personalities and their chararacter writing methods, etc. English is a class where you prepare for all your skills needed for a better future... Maths is a place of strategies which can lead you anywhere positive. Most people don't like maths. This is because they don't understand it and don't have a positive attitide towards it. In Year 9 of Hillcrest High School, maths teaches you problem soving for all the areas excluding the area of maths as well. Year 9 Social Studies gives students an oppurtunity to involve in all types of areas including Hsitory, Geography, Civics, Political and Disaster Managment. Students don't get all these subjects individually in Year 9 but do get them in higher classes. However they do learn asll of these topics in one big whole topic.So they get the required and valuable knowleder for their futures. Science is a mixture of all the subjects. All the students love science. The teachers are fantastic and explain everybody if they don't understand anything. All the favourite topics of children are covered in Science like Astronomy, Water, Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Water, Agriculture, etc. Hence students love learning science and getting engaged in heaps of acitivities.
Physical Education includes Health where teachers teach everybody about Cyber Safety, Disaster Management and Injuries. P.E. also includes Advanced Basic Learing(ABL), Minor Games, Field Invasion, Court Invasion, Volleyball and heaps of other fun stuff which students instead of getting bored in, enjoy it!!!! Languages include French, Mandarin, Japanese, Maori and ESOL. Learning languages is a place at Hillcrest where every child regardless of their country becomes a team with everybody and takes a step towards their bilingual mind and success. Economics includes the branch of knowledge concerned with the production, consumption, and transfer of wealth. Economics is taught in a way that no-one finds it hard or boring. Students enjoy learning and involving in economics at Hillcrest. Other subjects like art/drama/fabrics/music are the favourite and fun subjects of students at Hillcrest High School. They enjoy dealing with society affairs and taking a right prospective. Drama includes involving in many types of programmes like Junior Shakspeare, etc. Art is the study of colours where every child fills their life with beautiful colours. Fabrics is dealing with sewing which includes making dresses, pencilcases, bags and many more cool stuff. Whereas music fills your lives with popular singers, famous and lovely tunes, etc.

So this was brief description of our core/academic subjects of Hillcrest High School. Hope it helps!!!

Hillcrest High School Rules...
  1. Punctuality:
  • School Timings are from 8:45a.m. to 3:20p.m. On part Wednesdays, we have early finish at 2:30p.m.
  • Never ever forget your P.E. Gear. You will get dentention if you do forget it without a note.
2. Attendance
  • Attendance is really important at High school. However at Hillcrest High School, it's extra significant as it cares after their students' education and learning and don't want to lose track of them. Therefore, attendance puts a record on your learning and is very important and makes a big difference.
3. Uniforms
  • Uniforms are really important as it describes your school values and the school you are a part of.
  • Besides all this, uniforms removes your parents' excess expenditure and you won't have any fashion faux-pas. Families who don't have enough means to buy expensive and fashionable clothes can surely benefit from this.
  • From uniforms, every student regardless of their skin colour, race, gender, nationality and religion look the same.
  • Another advantage of wearing school uniform is you can feel proud because of the feeling that you belong to a certain school. Just wearing the uniform together with its logo can provide you the best chance to feel proud of your school. Therefore, Hillcrest High School has a uniform that can make every student feels proud of.
To have a peek in the school, look at this video:-

To have a look at the school website, go on this link:-